So... I have good news and bad news:
the bad news is that I no longer have a public online shop.
The subscription fees on my old platform have skyrocketed, and I just can't justify keeping it open anymore :(​​​​​​​
...But! The good news is that you can find me on Instagram, YouTube, and most importantly, Patreon! 
As soon as I have enough revenue from Patreon each month to cover the cost, I will be opening a brand new, Patron-only shop, where you'll be able to purchase my artwork, not just in the usual form of prints and stickers, but for the first time, also as apparel, mugs, & more!
So! To ensure this happens asap, and to ensure your access when it does, please head over to my Patreon and pledge! Tiers start at just $2/month–  you'll be able to access exclusive content such as downloads, behind the scenes content, early access to new videos, and even my Snail Mail Club, where you can get a brand new print in the mail each month, with love, from me to you :)
Thank you so much for your support and your patience during this shift!​​​​​​​
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